Sunday, July 1, 2018

Best Christian Song | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest"

Best Christian Song | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest"

The inner meaning of man’s conquest is to return to the Creator.
It is for man to turn his back on Satan and turn fully towards God.
This is man’s complete salvation. Arduous conquest is the final battle.
It is the last stage in God’s victorious plan.
Without this, no man is saved, no victory is gained against Satan,
no man enters a good destination.
Mankind suffers the influence of Satan.
Thus Satan’s defeat must come first to bring man’s salvation.
For all of God’s works are for the sake of man.

The final conquest brings salvation and reveals the destination.
But through judgment, repentance, and awakening to the righteous path of life,
awakened will be the hearts of the numb.
And the disobedient will be judged, their inner rebellion shall be laid bare.
But if man fails to repent, or walk the right path, 
or cast off the corruption within,
they will be swallowed by Satan, beyond rescue and salvation.
This is the purpose of God’s conquest—to save people and reveal their endings,
which, either good or bad, shall be revealed in God’s conquest.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

Recommended: The Word Appears in the Flesh is the basis of the beliefs of The Church of Almighty God, and it will surely become the foundation of existence for the whole of mankind in the next age. |  Many good sheep in the church would prefer to suffer unbridled arrest and persecution by the Chinese Communist Party just to seek and investigate Eastern Lightning

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