The returned Lord Jesus—Almighty God, is the incarnated God Himself. God's sheep hear God's voice. Only those who listen to His words earnestly and practice according to God's will can gain the salvation brought by Almighty God.
Showing posts with label the truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the truth. Show all posts
Monday, May 6, 2019
How Don’t Lose the Chance to Be Raptured and Saved By God?
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Hearing God’s Voice: How to Be a Wise Virgin to Welcome the Lord’s Coming
Nowadays disasters are getting worse and worse all over the world and the situation in every country is very tense. The prophecies in the Bible of the Lord’s second coming have basically been fulfilled, yet I have still not welcomed the Lord. I’m afraid that I will be abandoned by the Lord. Therefore, I’d like to ask for your advice: What should I do to greet the Lord’s second coming?
Hello Sister Jingxing:
The question that you asked is exactly the same one that all the brothers and sisters who are desperately waiting for the Lord’s return are concerned with. If we want to welcome the Lord’s coming, the crucial point is to pay attention to hearing His voice and recognizing His voice from His words. Only then can we welcome His appearance and follow the Lamb’s footsteps. The Lord Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20). And it says many times in Revelation, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev 2-3). The Lord Jesus also said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (Jhn 10:27). From these prophecies, we can see clearly that when the Lord Jesus returns, He will speak again, and that God’s sheep will hear His voice and come out to welcome Him and be raptured before His throne.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
135-B-6 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “It Is Very Important to Establish a Normal Relationship With God” (IV)
Some people ask, “How can I establish a normal relationship with God? Are there things I should put into practice to guarantee this? If I am to establish a normal relationship with God, in which aspects do I need to commune with God and pray to God to attain this?” There are 5 major aspects. If you are able to attain normal contact with God, normal communion with God and have normal prayers to God through these 5 aspects, you are assured to attain a normal relationship with God. First, to commune with God you must read the word of God, and based on the word of God you must plead and pray to God. Second, you must recognize your own true situation through the word of God, and see your own deficiencies, understand your own corruption, pray to God, plead to God, beseech God to save and cleanse you. To have a true burden for your own life entry, this is the most important. Third, you must entrust unto God that which you cannot yourself obtain or accomplish. You must be able to rely on God and look to God. That is the third aspect. Fourth, you must completely deliver your own heart and your whole person to God. You must accept the judgment and purification of God and be perfected by God. Fifth, if you are able to disobey God, if you are able to betray God, then you must be able to curse yourself, and plead for the punishment of God, and this is very important! If you commune with God this way, are you not expressing your true feelings? These are the actual details of these several aspects of communing with God.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
The Lord Jesus performed His redemption work in the Age of Grace and in the last days Almighty God does His work of judgment. How do we recognize that the judgment work of the last days and the redemption work of the Age of Grace are from one God?
The Answer from God’s Word:
After the work of Jehovah, Jesus became flesh to do His work amongst man. His work was not carried out in isolation, but built upon the work of Jehovah. It was work for a new age after God had concluded the Age of Law. Similarly, after the work of Jesus ended, God still continued His work for the next age, because the entire management of God is always progressing forward. When the old age passes, it will be replaced by a new age, and once the old work has been completed, a new work will continue the management of God. This incarnation is God’s second incarnation following the completion of Jesus’ work. Of course, this incarnation does not occur independently, but is the third stage of work after the Age of Law and the Age of Grace. Each new stage of God’s work always brings a new beginning and a new age. So too are there corresponding changes in the disposition of God, in His way of working, in the location of His work, and in His name. No wonder, then, that it is difficult for man to accept the work of God in the new age. But regardless of how He is opposed by man, God is always doing His work, and is always leading the whole of mankind forward. When Jesus came into the world of man, He brought the Age of Grace and ended the Age of Law. During the last days, God once more became flesh, and when He became flesh this time, He ended the Age of Grace and brought the Age of Kingdom. All those who accept the second incarnation of God will be led into the Age of Kingdom, and be able to personally accept the guidance of God. Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering, and did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to take on the sins of man as the sin offering, but also required God to do greater work to completely rid man of his disposition, which has been corrupted by Satan. And so, after man was forgiven his sins, God has returned to flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment, and this work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and shall gain the truth, the way, and the life.
from Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh
The work being done at present has pushed forward the work of the Age of Grace; that is, the work under the entire six-thousand-year management plan has moved forward. Though the Age of Grace has ended, God’s work has made progress. Why do I say time and again that this stage of work builds upon the Age of Grace and the Age of Law? This means that the work of this day is a continuation of the work done in the Age of Grace and an advance over that done in the Age of Law. The three stages are tightly interconnected and each link in the chain is closely tied to the next. Why do I also say that this stage of work builds on that done by Jesus? Supposing that this stage did not build on the work done by Jesus, He would have to be crucified again in this stage, and the redemptive work of the previous stage would have to be done all over again. This would be meaningless. And so it is not that the work is completely finished, but that the age has moved forward and the level of the work has been raised even higher than before. It may be said that this stage of work is built on the foundation of the Age of Law and on the rock of Jesus’ work. The work is built stage by stage, and this stage is not a new beginning. Only the combination of the three stages of work may be deemed the six-thousand-year management plan. The work at this stage is done on the foundation of the work of the Age of Grace. If these two stages of work were unrelated, then why is the crucifixion not repeated in this stage? Why do I not bear the sins of man? I do not come through conception by the Holy Spirit, nor do I bear the sins of man through crucifixion; rather, I am here to chastise man directly. If My chastisement of man and My coming now not by the conception of the Holy Spirit did not follow the crucifixion, then I would not be qualified to chastise man. It is precisely because I am one with Jesus that I come directly to chastise and judge man. The work at this stage is built entirely on the work in the preceding stage. That is why only work of this kind can bring man, step by step, into salvation. Jesus and I come from one Spirit. Even though We are unrelated in Our fleshes, Our Spirits are one; even though the content of what We do and the work that We take on are not the same, We are alike in essence; Our fleshes take different forms, but this is due to the change in era and the differing requirements of Our work; Our ministries are not alike, so the work We bring forth and the disposition We reveal to man are also different. That is why what man sees and understands this day is unlike that of the past; this is so because of the change in era. … Similarly, the Spirit of Jehovah is not the father of the Spirit of Jesus, and the Spirit of Jesus is not the son of the Spirit of Jehovah: They are one and the same Spirit. Just like the incarnate God of today and Jesus. Though They are not related by blood, They are one; this is because Their Spirits are one. God can do the work of mercy and lovingkindness, as well as that of the righteous judgment and of chastisement of man, and that of calling down curses on man; and in the end, He can do the work of destroying the world and punishing the wicked. Does He not do all of this Himself? Is this not the omnipotence of God? He was able both to promulgate laws for man and to issue him commandments, and He was also able to lead the early Israelites to live their lives on earth and to guide them to build the temple and altars, holding all the Israelites under His dominion. Relying on His authority, He lived on earth with the people of Israel for two thousand years. The Israelites dared not rebel against Him; all revered Jehovah and observed His commandments. This was the work that was done relying on His authority and His omnipotence. Then, during the Age of Grace, Jesus came to redeem the whole of fallen mankind (and not only the Israelites). He showed mercy and lovingkindness to man. The Jesus that man saw in the Age of Grace was filled with lovingkindness and was always loving toward man, for He had come to save humanity from sin. He was able to forgive men their sins until His crucifixion completely redeemed mankind from sin. During this period, God appeared before man with mercy and lovingkindness; that is, He became a sin offering for man and was crucified for the sins of man so that they might forever be forgiven. He was merciful, compassionate, enduring, and loving. And all those who followed Jesus in the Age of Grace likewise sought to be enduring and loving in all things. They were long-suffering, and never fought back even when beaten, cursed, or stoned. But during the final stage this can no longer be so. Similarly, even though Their Spirits were one, the work of Jesus and Jehovah was not entirely alike. Jehovah’s work was not to bring the age to an end but to guide it, ushering in mankind’s life on earth. However, the work now in hand is to conquer those in the Gentile nations who have been deeply corrupted, and to lead not just the family of China, but the entire universe. … From the creation of the world down to the present, the Spirit of God has set this great work in motion, and has moreover done different work in different ages and in different nations. The people of each age see a different disposition of His, which is naturally revealed through the different work that He does. He is God, filled with mercy and lovingkindness; He is the sin offering for man and man’s shepherd; but He is also man’s judgment, chastisement, and curse. He could lead man to live on earth for two thousand years, and He could also redeem the corrupted mankind from sin. Today, He is also able to conquer mankind, who do not know Him, and prostrate them under His dominion, so that all submit to Him fully. In the end, He will burn away all that is unclean and unrighteous within men throughout the universe, to show them that He is not only a merciful and loving God, not only a God of wisdom and wonders, not only a holy God, but, even more, a God who judges man. To the evil ones among mankind, He is burning, judgment, and punishment; to those who are to be perfected, He is tribulation, refinement, and trial, as well as comfort, sustenance, provision of words, dealing, and pruning. And to those who are eliminated, He is punishment and also retribution. Tell Me, is God not almighty? He is capable of any and all work, not just the crucifixion as you imagined. You think too lowly of God!
from “The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Monday, March 18, 2019
136-A-3 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God” (I)
“All those who do not seek obedience to God in their faith oppose God.” So what does it mean to be a person who seeks obedience to God? We all will encounter things in our daily lives, or perhaps we will come across some difficulties while performing our duties, and as soon as these difficulties befall us, we may ask, “How can I be obedient to God through this? How can I carry this thing out in a way that conforms to the intention of God?” It is at this time that we are seeking obedience to God. What does it mean to seek obedience to God? It means seeking how we should do something in a way that is obedient to God, how to practice conforming to God’s intention, this is seeking obedience to God. To put it simply, seeking obedience to God is, as we often have talked about, to seek the truth in all things to have a path of practice. Let me give you an example. Say there is a boy who believes in God. His dad doesn’t permit him to believe in God, but his mom is a believer and permits him to believe in God. Who do you think he ought to obey? He might try to make a wild guess, “Dad won’t allow it if I obey Mom; Mom won’t allow it if I obey Dad,” but he won’t know what to do. Seek the truth! It doesn’t matter whether it’s your mom or your dad, whoever speaks in accordance with the truth is who you should obey, that is who you should listen to, that is what we call being obedient to God. Some people find partners that are not believers, and their partners don’t allow them to believe in God. They might think to themselves: “Should I be obedient to God or to my partner? If I am to be obedient to God I should break it off with my partner, we should break up. If I am to be obedient to my partner, I will keep away from God and then I will certainly perish, and after I die I will descend to hell. Whom then should I be obedient to?” For this you must seek the truth. You should obey whoever is able to save you. If you obey your partner will your partner be able to save you? Seek the truth in all things, this is what is meant by seeking obedience to God. What does one think about when seeking obedience to God? “How do I act in a way that is obedient to God? How do I carry out my actions in a way that conforms to God’s intentions?” To ponder over these things is what we call seeking obedience to God. Some people say: “Wow, time is pressing nowadays! Here I am toiling away to make money to fill my stomach, but as soon as the great disasters come life will cease to exist, what could possibly be more important than life? Right, I should hurry to believe in God; it is important that I seek the truth.” But when it comes to seeking the truth, you are busy all day long making money, it’s only in your little bit of spare time that you are able to practice your faith in God, but this is not much of an experience. After work when you get back home you are exhausted, and after eating dinner you can barely think, so you just go to bed. Are you really still able to practice your faith in God? Even though you go along believing you do not obtain much, your progress is very slow, right? I’ve experienced this myself. People have 10 hours of energy in a day. If most of that energy is used to make a living and feed yourself, it will be guaranteed that you have very little to gain in your faith in God; your progress will be slow, and there isn’t enough time!
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Testimony of a Christian: How She Overcame the Temptation to Have an Affair (Part 2)
Over the next few days, although Jingru had not fallen into Satan’s temptation and she knew that she could never be with Wang Wei, her meeting with Wang Wei that evening and his sincere confession replayed in her mind over and over like a scene in a movie …
When Wang Wei called her again, Jingru’s heart was a bit shaken, and she said to herself: “The two of us cannot get together, but we can still be ordinary friends. So long as I keep my feet so that I don’t do anything that goes too far, then it’ll be fine.” She then answered the call from Wang Wei and chatted with him. As time went on, Jingru often thought about whether or not Wang Wei would call, to the point where her heart began to look forward to it. Every time he called, Jingru would comfort herself before answering the phone very naturally…. As things progressed, the calls between Wang Wei and Jingru became more frequent. But after every call, Jingru would feel uneasy and pained, and she realized that her actions were not conforming to God’s will, and that her feelings of pain and unease were precisely God reminding her and reproaching her. She then immediately went before God and prayed: “O God! I know I shouldn’t keep in touch with Wang Wei, but I can’t control my own heart. I can’t help but indulge myself and slide down toward sin. O God! I don’t want my actions in this matter to displease You. O God! Please save me!”
Afterward, Jingru saw several passages of words, and she found the way to free herself from pain. God’s words say: “All of you live in a place of sin and licentiousness; you are all licentious and sinful people. Today you not only can see God, but more importantly, you have received chastisement and judgment, received such deepest salvation, that is, received God’s greatest love. … As you do not know how to lead a life or how to live, and you live in this licentious and sinful place and are licentious and filthy devils, He does not have the heart to let you become even more depraved; neither has He the heart to see you living in the filthy place like this, being trampled by Satan at will, or the heart to let you fall into Hades. He only wants to gain this group of you and thoroughly save you” (“The Inside Truth of the Conquering Work (4)”). It says in Sermons and Fellowship: “By now, you understand how all people who are trapped by lust finally end up, right? What is the final outcome for most of these people? Do they meet with curses? Are there any good outcomes? They do not attain peace all life long! This is the confusion and trouble to which lust leads; it is unbearable suffering! Of all those people who seek a marriage partner recklessly or abnormally, are there any who have a happy outcome? There are no good final results, and they ultimately meet with curses. That is not a thing to be toyed with” (“What Kind of Person Will Be Perfected by God” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (VII)).
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Christian Testimony | A Father and His Step-Daughter Surpass the Ties of Blood
A Grey Childhood
There was no mother and no father around when Zixuan was growing up; she didn’t know what the cakes the children from the city talked about tasted like, and she’d never seen a goldfish blow bubbles in a fish tank. On no evening did she ever hear the stories of Grimm’s fairytales, but instead she listened to her grandpa tell her the story of The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. Her real father leaving and her mother remarrying had brought about feelings of inferiority when she was little, and even more so had become a shadow in the depth of her heart that she could not drive away. Especially when she saw the other children with their parents, caring for them and being with them, Zixuan’s heart would ache with pain.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
God’s Grace Frees Her From Her Painful Marriage (Part 2)
God’s Words Resolve Her Bewilderment and Her Heart Is Eased
One time, in a meeting, Jiao told her brothers and sisters all about her pain and bewilderment, and one of the sisters read to her several passages of God’s words: “Born into such a filthy land, man has been severely blighted by society, he has been influenced by feudal ethics, and he has been taught at ‘institutes of higher learning.’ The backward thinking, corrupt morality, mean view on life, despicable philosophy, utterly worthless existence, and depraved lifestyle and customs—all of these things have severely intruded upon man’s heart, and severely undermined and attacked his conscience. As a result, man is ever more distant from God, and ever more opposed to Him” (“To Have an Unchanged Disposition Is to Be in Enmity to God”). “One after another, all these trends carry an evil influence that continually degenerates man, causing them to continually lose conscience, humanity and reason, and that lowers their morals and their quality of character more and more, to the extent that we can even say the majority of people now have no integrity, no humanity, neither do they have any conscience, much less any reason. So what are these trends? You cannot see these trends with the naked eye. When the wind of a trend blows through, perhaps only a small number of people will become the trendsetters. They start off doing this kind of thing, accepting this kind of idea or this kind of perspective. The majority of people, however, in the midst of their unawareness, will still be continually infected, assimilated and attracted by this kind of trend, until they all unknowingly and involuntarily accept it, and are all submerged in and controlled by it. For man who is not of sound body and mind, who never knows what is truth, who cannot tell the difference between positive and negative things, these kinds of trends one after another make them all willingly accept these trends, the life view and values that come from Satan. They accept what Satan tells them on how to approach life and the way to live that Satan ‘bestows’ on them. They have not the strength, neither do they have the ability, much less the awareness to resist” (“God Himself, the Unique VI”).
Friday, January 11, 2019
124-A-6 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life”
Someone asked, “What is the longest our bodies can live?” Tell me how many years we can live, what is the longest lifespan. Can we live for three or five hundred years? Some people say that’s impossible. Wrong, the longest the body can live for is nine hundred years, as it is recorded in the Bible. Some people say: “I’ve never seen that, it’s impossible, seeing is believing, mere words are nothing but wind!” Is this correct? Is there anyone who gets younger as they get older in age? Have you seen this? Is this the truth in plain sight? The longer they live the younger they become; some people who are more than 80 years old appear to be only a bit over 20. Some people take one look at them and say, “Isn’t this person so young?” There are many both religious people and common folk who are more than 80 years old but appear to only be a bit over 40, there are quite a few of these people in Taiwan. Some people when they reach the age of 70 or 80, they will grow new teeth, their hair will grow black and their skin will become more tender. So on the basis of these facts, does the human flesh have an age limit? There isn’t a limit, right? This is a fact in plain sight! People can become young again. This is clear, so is there such a thing as immortality? Yes, there is. To live for 900 years is also a fact; everything that is recorded in the Bible is a fact. So for God all this is a very simple matter, for He speaks and it is done; He commands, and it stands fast. As soon as you have God’s blessing, your body can easily live for one or two thousand years; if you are without God’s blessing you will die somewhere between fifty and eighty years old from old age, so old that you are riddled with disease and are unable to move. Isn’t that all decided by God? This is surely obvious now! Can this prove that God is almighty?
Saturday, December 29, 2018
139-B-5 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” (V)
Now, let me ask a question: When people read the word of God, why are they content to feel like they understand it on a conscious level and that if there are no difficulties in doing that, they think it’s all done and they’ve gotten through?
Monday, December 24, 2018
How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work (Part One)
God’s kingdom has come on earth; God’s person is full and rich. Who can stand still and not rejoice? Who can stand still and not dance? Oh Zion, raise your banner of victory to celebrate for God. Sing your song of victory to spread His holy name over the world. Countless people praise God with joy, countless voices exalt His name. Look at His awesome deeds; now His kingdom on earth has come.
All things on earth, make yourselves clean; come and make offerings to God. Stars, return to your nest in the sky, show God’s might in the heavens above. On earth voices rise up and sing, pouring out infinite love and boundless reverence to God. He attently listens to them. Countless people praise God with joy, countless voices exalt His name. Look at His awesome deeds; now His kingdom on earth has come.
On that day all things are revived, God in person comes to the earth. Flowers burst out in joyful bloom, birds sing and all things rejoice. See the kingdom of Satan fall as the salute of God’s kingdom sounds, trampled down, never to rise again, drowned beneath the anthem of praise. Countless people praise God with joy (with joy), countless voices exalt His name (His name). Look at His awesome deeds; now His kingdom on earth has come.
Who on earth dare rise to resist? When God stands among men, He’s brought His wrath and all disasters to earth. The world has become God’s kingdom. Clouds roll and toss in the skies, lakes and streams stir up a merry tune. Resting animals leave their caves, and man is awakened from their dreams. Now that longed-for day has arrived and all honor God with their songs, the most beautiful songs of all time. Countless people praise God with joy (with joy), countless voices exalt His name (His name). Look at His awesome deeds; now His kingdom on earth has come.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
you bear witness to the fact that the Lord Jesus has returned and has been incarnated to do His work. This I just don’t understand. We all know that the Lord Jesus was the incarnation of God. Having completed His work, He was crucified and then resurrected, appearing before all His disciples and He ascended into heaven in His glorious spiritual body. Just as the Bible says: “You men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven” (Act 1:11). So, biblical scripture confirms that when the Lord comes again, it will be His resurrected spiritual body appearing to us. In the last days, why is God incarnated in the fleshly form of the Son of man to do the work of judgment? What is the difference between the resurrected spiritual body of the Lord Jesus and His incarnation as the Son of man?
Answer: Most of the faithful believe that the returned Lord will appear to them in His spiritual body, that is, the spiritual body of the Lord Jesus in which He appeared to man for forty days after His resurrection. We believers are all clear on this matter. On the surface, the spiritual body of the Lord Jesus after He resurrected appears in the same image of His incarnate flesh, but the spiritual body is not constrained by the material world, space, and place.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Principles We Should Know to Avoid Being Deceived by False Christs
By Song Yang
On an early morning of the early spring, the couple, Zhang Haiyu and Wang Qiang, are awfully busy in their steamed bun shop. The business was booming. Their son Wang Xinzhi who was newly married helped as a cashier. And his wife Xiaoying served the customers. After they rushed around for a while, the customers went to work one after another after breakfast. Then the shop was not that busy. And so the four of the family had a rest. Xinzhi took a nap on a bench. Xiaoying cleaned up the shop. Wang Qiang happily counted the money they had earned this morning on a bench. Zhang Haiyu listlessly flipped through the Bible and glanced at the calendar casually: Sunday, August 20, 2017. And then she blankly stared at the benches which were made for brothers and sisters to have meetings. Their business was flourishing as usual, but no brothers and sisters came to attend meetings here anymore. Half a year ago, Co-worker Li living in the same street came and testified the return of the Lord to brothers and sisters. She also said that the Lord comes to do the work of judgment by expressing the truth. Everyone was glad to hear that. Since then, they all went to attend her meetings. However, Zhang Haiyu fear the false and dared not accept it. As a result, there were only the four of her family and Co-worker Zheng left, which caused the meetings here to become “family meetings”! And thus the benches became decorations. Zhang Haiyu frowned and wondered: The Lord said clearly, “Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not” (Matthew 24:23). Why didn’t they obey the Lord’s words? I must hold on to the Lord’s way even if there is only me left in the church. After that, she turned around and looked at the clock, which said it was 8 o’clock. And then she looks at the bustling crowds in the street. After a while, she smiled when she saw Co-worker Zheng entered the shop hurriedly with great strides, closed the door and put up the closed sign.
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Almighty God Is the Returned Jesus
Relevant Words of God: God is incarnated in the Chinese mainland, what the compatriots in Hong Kong and Taiwan call the inland. W...

The answer from God’s word : “For several thousand years, man has longed to be able to witness the arrival of the Savior. Man has ...
Under a starry, quiet and peaceful night sky, a group of Christians earnestly awaiting the return of the Savior sing and dance to c...
2019 Christian Skit "Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven If We Gain Salvation?" (English Dubbed) Zhang Mude is a preacher at ...
Is the Bible the Lord or God the Lord? "Who Is My Lord" | Eastern Lightning Liu Zhizhong is a pastor at a local hou...
Relevant Words of God: God is incarnated in the Chinese mainland, what the compatriots in Hong Kong and Taiwan call the inland. W...
Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death I From heaven to the earth, hiding in the flesh. Working among men, through win...
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Wang Yang Guichi City, Anhui Province I was formerly a leader of the Justification by Faith Church in the city of Guichi. Bef...
There Is a Way to Resolve the “Generation Gap”! Brothers and sisters, Good day! Recently my relationship with ...