Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts

Monday, November 26, 2018

God’s Love Guided Me Through the Trial of Illness

By Yiming, Hubei Province
I Rejoice to Be Reunited With the Lord
I’m 78 this year and I have always suffered from headaches and diabetes.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Most people in the religious world believe that the Lord Jesus saying “It is finished” upon the cross is proof that God’s work of salvation is already completely finished. And yet you testify that the Lord has returned in the flesh to express the truth and to do the work of judgment beginning with God’s house in order to save people utterly. So exactly how should one understand God’s work to save mankind? We are unclear on this aspect of the truth, so please fellowship this for us.

Most people in the religious world believe that the Lord Jesus saying “It is finished” upon the cross is proof that God’s work of salvation is already completely finished.
Most people in the religious world think: When the Lord Jesus was crucified and said before He expired “It is finished,” this proved that God’s work of salvation was entirely complete, and there would be no more work. Thus, upon hearing that God is doing a new stage of work in the last days, many people absolutely deny it. They think it an impossible thing. Well, when it comes down to it, what is the truth of the matter?

Thursday, November 22, 2018

139-A-8 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Those Incompatible With Christ Are Surely Opponents of God”

Questions & Answers
Question 1: How can I come to an understanding of the loveliness and righteous disposition of God through the judgment and chastisement work that God carries out on me, and through this, how can I find a way to love God in my heart?

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Know More Clearly What to Love or Hate

Gao Jun    Hebei Province
My name is Gao Jun. I’m 52 years old. I’ve followed Almighty God for fourteen years. Before I believed in God, I did business in the world and was often busy giving dinners or sending gifts and socializing. Every day I went in and out of places of entertainment such as the KTVs and the gambling houses…. My wife quarreled with me constantly because of that, and finally she was so angry that she would divorce me and left home. However, I had sunk in the mire and was unable to extricate myself at that time. I tried hard to maintain my family but couldn’t make it, feeling it very miserable and tiring to live. In June, 1999, Almighty God’s salvation came upon us. Through the fellowship of the brothers and sisters and the revelation of God’s word, my wife got to know the root of the world’s darkness and mankind’s corruption, and then she showed understanding for my situation and fellowshipped with me with an open heart.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

You have said that the Lord Jesus has already come, but we don’t believe it. We have had faith in the Lord for many years and have always toiled tirelessly for Him. When the Lord comes He should first reveal it to us. Since the Lord has not revealed it to us, that just shows us that He hasn’t returned. What is wrong with this belief?

The Answer from God’s Word:
The work of God continues to advance, and though the purpose of His work remains unchanging, the means by which He works are constantly changing, and thereby so are those who follow God. … All men wish to gain God yet are unable to tolerate any changes in God’s work. Those who do not accept the new work of God believe that the work of God is changeless, and that the work of God forever remains at a standstill. In their belief, all that is needed to gain eternal salvation from God is to keep the law, and as long as they repent and confess their sins, the heart of God will be forever satisfied. They are of the opinion that God can only be the God under the law and the God who was nailed on the cross for man; it is their opinion too that God should not and cannot exceed the Bible. It is precisely these opinions that have shackled them firmly to the law of old and kept them fettered by rigid regulations.

Friday, November 16, 2018

139-B-3 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” (V)

What does man ultimately gain from experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement? What does God want to fulfill? Someone says it is for man to gain the truth and life. What kind of life does he gain? This new life is essentially a life that obeys God, a life that loves God, and a life that fears God. It is a new life. With this new life, you are willing to obey God as you understand the truth. With this new life, you will fear God no matter what happens to you or whatever choices you encounter. You wouldn’t dare to offend or defy God. With this new life, you will never go against the truth or defy God’s will. If you committed a transgression, you would be tormented by your conscience. You would feel uneasy and indebted to God. You would slap yourself in the face, hate yourself and curse at yourself. All of these are true behaviors of your new life. With this new life, if man were to sin again, his reaction would be drastically different from that before receiving the new life. How did this new life come about? It came from knowing God, from understanding many truths. Some people say, “Understanding the truth doesn’t do me any good. I feel so exploited and humiliated when I practice the truth. There is nothing in it for me.” Is there really nothing in it for you? You don’t see it because you are blind. This is a new life. This is how a new life comes about. When you have this new life, try hanging out in a ballroom, gambling in a casino, beating someone up or cursing at someone, see how it acts up inside. Having life is a far cry from not having life. It is so different!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

139-A-7 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Those Incompatible With Christ Are Surely Opponents of God”

God said: “Your faith is indeed commendable, but you do not have much steadfastness.” Why do you not have much steadfastness? Because you don’t have the truth and you don’t understand God, and so you use a deceitful and limited form of expenditure for God. Therefore, your steadfastness is short-lived and you don’t have much steadfastness. Now what is the duration of this steadfastness, the persistence of this steadfastness related to? What does it have to do with the intentions of man? Also, what does it have to do with the faith of man? What does it have to do with man’s submission toward God? They are all related. It has more to do with man’s understanding of God. The steadfastness of a person is not a simple thing; it involves many aspects of the reality of truth! Here God said, “but you do not have much steadfastness,” which conceals many issues. If one’s expenditure for God is not sincere, can he have great steadfastness? Can he have enduring steadfastness? Of course not. He is not in true submission to Christ and has not attained true compatibility with Him. Can he have true devotion for Christ? Can he follow Christ to the end? Certainly not.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Supernaturalness and Greatness of God’s Life Power

Lin Ling    Shandong Province
I was born in a poor peasant family. Because my family didn’t have power or influence, I was looked down upon and often bullied by others from my childhood. At such times, I felt especially aggrieved and distressed and expected from my heart that a savior could come to change my destiny. After marriage, my life was tough and my child often got ill, so a neighbor preached Jesus to me. Learning that the Lord Jesus could save those who suffered hardships and afflictions from the sea of misery, I was very excited in my heart, feeling that I finally found the savior. From then on, I believed in Jesus and was very zealous, often going to different places to attend meetings and listen to preachings. Later, however, I found that the church became more and more desolate and the phenomenon of jealousy and strife and scheming against one another became more and more serious, which was no better than the world. I was very disappointed and my faith grew cold gradually, and I didn’t attend meetings any more.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Seeing Through Rumors, She Welcomed Jesus’ Second Coming

By Xiaocao, United States
As the saying goes, “The wise man doesn’t listen to rumors.” The unfounded rumors are unworthy of our reply. However, when the rumors reach us, how should we treat them? Especially when investigating the true way, how should we Christians seek the truth in the face of rumors?
From a fortuitous opportunity I heard the gospel of God’s kingdom. After several meetings with the brothers and sisters, I knew the truths of the origin of mankind, the root of mankind’s degeneration, the inside truth of God’s three stages of work, the mystery and significance of the incarnation, and other respects. I also got some understanding of God’s work to save man. The more I listened to their fellowships, the more I had enjoyment in my heart. Later in a meeting, Brother Deng fellowshiped, “The Lord Jesus has returned and long ago been incarnated in China and carried out a new work, and His work of the last days has spread from the East to the West.” After hearing that, I felt so excited: God has already carried out His work on earth! I never thought that I’m so lucky to welcome the Lord. Thanks be to the Lord! No wonder their fellowships make so much sense—they have followed God’s new work. Because every meeting I could gain a lot and I felt joy when I was with the brothers and sisters from The Church of Almighty God, I became increasingly fond of attending meetings. One time, at the end of a meeting, Sister Li led us to pray to God. When I heard her speaking in her prayer, “Thank God for choosing this sister in the vast sea of humanity…,” a feeling of warmth flowed into my heart, and I couldn’t help shedding tears. We didn’t know each other, but they treated me like family and they spoke honestly, which enabled me to feel the warmth of family. Only God can lead man to live out the love. Thanks be to God! Thinking of this, I felt extremely grateful to God for His love: He had chosen me in the vast sea of humanity and allowed me to be fortunate to come before Him.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Knowledge Makes Me Miserable, the Truth Gives Me Happiness

By Zhao Jie
One day in May, I was riding on the road to the meeting. It was quite cool with lush leaves along the road blocking out rays of sunshine. I was enjoying the scenery when the school bell rang, which made me stop my riding. I looked up at the tall teaching building and imagined the scene where students in the classrooms were studying hard for the college entrance examination. Then I couldn’t help recalling my life of grade three of senior middle school. No, it should be “grade five of senior middle school” …

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Dark Prison Life Made Me Love God More Resolutely

Meng Yong    Shanxi Province
I’m honest by nature and always bullied by others. So I tasted all the coldness of the human world and felt life was empty and meaningless. After I believed in Almighty God, through reading God’s word and living the church life, I enjoyed the peace and happiness I had never had and saw that the brothers and sisters in the Church of Almighty God love each other and are close as family members. This made me know that only God is righteous and only in the Church of Almighty God, there is light. Through personally experiencing the work of Almighty God for several years, I truly tasted that Almighty God’s word can indeed change and save man and Almighty God is love and salvation. In order that more people could enjoy God’s love and pursue to receive God’s salvation, the brothers and sisters and I rushed to cooperate in the gospel work. Unexpectedly, we were arrested and persecuted by the CCP government.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

After Listening With My Heart, I Have Welcomed the Lord’s Return (Audio Essays)

In 1994, I was born in the United States. My parents are both Chinese. My mother was the classic example of a successful career woman. She is able to think for herself and is very competent. I love my mother very much. When I was in Grade 2, my parents brought me back to China to study so that I would be able to learn Chinese. It was also at that time that I started to get acquainted with the Lord Jesus. I remember one day in 2004, after I got home from school, there was a guest at our house. My mother introduced her and told me that she was a pastor from the United States. I was very happy because that was when I found out that my mother had believed in the Lord Jesus for some time. Before, she did not believe. Every Chinese New Year, she would burn incense and worship Buddha. However, after my mother started to believe in the Lord Jesus, I no longer had to smell the whiff of burnt Joss paper and incense. That day, the American pastor told me a story about the Lord Jesus. Soon after, I was brought to the bathroom and before I could react, “plop,” the pastor had dunked my head into the bathtub and after a moment, pulled my head out. All I heard was my mother and the pastor telling me, “Welcome to the embrace of the Lord Jesus. We are all lost sheep.” In this way, I started a new life journey before I knew it. However, because the Lord was with me, my heart was very happy. Afterward, each Sunday, I would go to church to worship and listen to the pastor talk about Bible stories and read from the scriptures. I was very happy all along. My heart was steadfast and I felt that believing in the Lord Jesus was truly a good thing.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Three Aspects of Prayers Every Day Can Make You Closer to God

Every one of us who has faith in the Lord has known and experienced that prayer is very important, but we seldom think about whether our prayers are in accord with the Lord’s will. Some time ago, I read some spiritual books on the Internet and came to know that if we wish to obtain truth and life, we must meet three aspects of prayers every day. When I consciously followed the way given in the book, I actually got some unexpected reward. Here I shall share my gain with you.
brother pray
The first aspect: pondering God’s words and seeking the truth when praying.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Why doesn’t God save those who are worked on by evil spirits and those who are possessed by demons?

Relevant Words of God:
Those whom evil spirits previously possessed for a time (since birth) will all be revealed now. I will kick you out! Do you still remember what I have said? I—the holy and unblemished God—do not reside in a foul and filthy temple. Those who are possessed by evil spirits know for themselves, and I need not clarify. I have not predestined you! You are old Satan, yet you want to infiltrate My kingdom! Absolutely not!
from “The Eighty-first Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
I have long seen clearly the various deeds of evil spirits. Even people used by evil spirits (those with wrong intentions, those who lust after flesh or wealth, those who exalt themselves, those who disrupt the church, etc.) have also each been seen through by Me.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Only Reasonable Prayers Can Be Heard by God

By Bai Wei
One day I got a call from my daughter, and she said, “Mom, the relocation certificate of my residence has been sent here from the hinterland, but my work is keeping me busy. Please help me get it registered at the relevant local department….”
In order to make it a success, I prayed to God, “Oh God! Tomorrow I want to get my daughter’s residence registered. Please help me make it. Oh God! There is much red tape to do this matter, because I need to go to several government departments to have the relevant certificates. I ask You to help me make it smooth. Amen!” And the next morning before I left, I gave the same prayer.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

In the last days, God has already begun His new work. Why is it that people who cannot keep up with God’s new work and remain in a church of the Age of Grace won’t be able to achieve salvation?

In the last days, God has already begun His new work. Why is it that people who cannot keep up with God’s new work and remain in a church of the Age of Grace won’t be able to achieve salvation?

Friday, September 7, 2018

40. It Was Too Late for Him to Repent on His Deathbed

40. It Was Too Late for Him to Repent on His Deathbed

Zhu Honghong

Haiyang City, Shandong Province

Almighty God says: “… if man has a heart that truly yearns for God, then he will not be abandoned by God. Man fails to gain God not because God has emotion, or because God is unwilling to be gained by man, but because man does not want to gain God, and because man does not urgently seek God. How could one of those who truly seeks God be cursed by God? How could one of sound sense and sensitive conscience be cursed by God? How could one who truly worships and serves God be consumed by the fires of His wrath? How could one who is happy to obey God be kicked out of God’s house? How could one who could not love God enough live in God’s punishment?” “Those who willfully stand against the incarnate God shall be punished for their disobedience. Their willful opposition to God stems from their conceptions of Him, which result in their disturbance to the work of God. Such men knowingly resist and destroy the work of God. Not merely do they have conceptions of God, but they do that which disturbs His work, and it is for this reason that such manner of men shall be condemned.
I came to understand the profound meaning of these two passages of God’s word from what happened to my husband. In 1998, I began to believe in Jesus because of an illness, but my husband persecuted and hindered me all the time.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

After Undergoing the Devil’s Affliction, I Knew More Clearly God’s Grace Is Precious

After Undergoing the Devil’s Affliction, I Knew More Clearly God’s Grace Is Precious

Xu Qiang    Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
My name is Xu Qiang. I was once a project contractor. I led many people to undertake contracted projects every year and had a good income. In the eyes of my contemporaries, I had a happy family and smooth career and had a great future, so I should be the happiest man. However, while enjoying the material life, I felt an unexplainable emptiness in my heart. Especially in order to undertake contracted projects, I had to ingratiate myself with the leaders of the relevant departments all day, observing their speech and behavior and fawning and flattering them. All those had to be handled extremely well, or I couldn’t earn money. Moreover, people of the same trade intrigued against one another and guarded and schemed against one another, which made me exhaust all mental efforts…. Thus, I felt very bitter and tired and felt as if I became a puppet and a moneymaking machine, losing my dignity and integrity completely. In 1999, I accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. The feeling of release in the church life and the simplicity and honesty of the brothers and sisters made me deeply moved. I liked very much to live the church life and even more liked to stay with the brothers and sisters, and I treasured such time very much. As I read God’s word and attended meetings constantly, I understood many truths and was greatly released in my heart. I felt very thankful that I had found the true human life and the true happiness. And my heart was full of gratitude to God. If God didn’t save me from the sea of misery of the world, I would never have hope in my life. Later, I began to preach the gospel, running joyfully and tirelessly among the people who investigated the true way, so that they could receive Almighty God’s salvation earlier.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Judgment Is Light

Judgment Is Light

Zhao Xia Shandong Province
My name is Zhao Xia. I was born to an ordinary family. Due to the influence of dictums like “A man leaves his name behind wherever he stays, just as a goose utters its cry wherever it flies,” and “As a tree lives for its bark, a man lives for his face,” reputation and face became particularly important to me. Everything I did was to earn other people’s praise, compliments, and admiration. After getting married, the goals I set for myself were: I will live a wealthier life than others; I must not let anyone say negative things about how I treat the elderly or about my behavior and conduct; and I will make sure my child gets into a famous university and has good prospects, so as to add more luster to my face. Therefore, I never quarreled with my in-laws. Sometimes, when they said harsh things to me, I would feel so aggrieved that I’d hide and cry rather than give them attitude. When I saw others buy clothes for their parents during Chinese New Year and other holidays, I would immediately go buy some for my mother-in-law, and it would be of the best quality too. When relatives came to visit, I would help buy food and cook. Even when it was a little tough or tiring I would still be completely willing. Afraid I would be less well off than others, I left my baby daughter behind a month after giving birth to her and went straight back to work. As a result, my daughter suffered from malnutrition and became only skin and bones because she couldn’t drink my breast milk. Her situation improved only after 100 nutritional injections, while I was so tired that I had a sore back every day.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

“Pigeon” Mail

“Pigeon” Mail

Su Jie, China

One day in 1999, after the meeting had ended, the pastor said to me, “Su Jie, here is a letter for you.” As soon as I saw it, I knew that it came from the church I established in Shandong. I took the letter and on the way home, I thought as I walked: This letter is so thick, could it be that they have encountered some difficulties? …

Almighty God Is the Returned Jesus

Relevant Words of God:  God is incarnated in the Chinese mainland, what the compatriots in Hong Kong and Taiwan call the inland. W...